From just 30 acres in 1979 to a present day acreage of 200, Apple Wedge Packers continues to renovate their high-density apple orchards, keeping an eye on production and labor efficiency. The varieties of apples grown at Apple Wedge are great for fresh eating or cooking!
Of all the pies you could make, how are you going to beat it?

Fuji apples have it all – they’re super sweet, wildly juicy, extremely crisp, and ideal for snacking. This Japanese apple has American parents, Red Delicious and Ralls Janet, an antique apple that goes back to the days of Thomas Jefferson and 1793.
Very sweet
Extremely juicy
Crisp, cream colored flesh
Best Uses
Excellent for eating and salads
Good for sauces
Special Hint
Fuji applesauce needs little or no sugar.
Early Fuji – Available September through December
Late Fuji – Available
October through December
A great choice for snacking, Gala is a variety developed in New Zealand. It’s got the mild flavor that “picky eaters” prefer, plus a striking bright yellow-red color that also makes it visually appealing.
From Our Family: We love using a gala for salads and a quick snack with peanut butter!
Mild sweet flavor
Crisp, creamy yellow flesh
Best Uses
Excellent for eating and salads
Special Hint
Galas’ size, mellow flavor and thin skin make them a perfect choice for lunches and snacks for kids.
August through November
Sometimes the name of an apple says it all. Honeycrisp apples are honey sweet (with a touch of tart) and amazingly crisp. Kids love the taste, and it’s easy to see why this recent variety has continued to grow in popularity since its 1991 introduction in Minnesota. More Honeycrisp trees are being planted every year in North Carolina to increase the annual harvest.
From Our Family: Mom made apple butter for Christen and Myles’ wedding favors. It was a huge hit!
Complex, sweet-tart flavor
Super-crisp yellow flesh
Best Uses
Excellent for eating and salads
Good for sauces, baking, and pies
Special Hint
These ultra-crisp apples appeal to children and teens. They’re a great way to encourage healthy snacking.
September through October
Golden Delicious
Ever hear that Golden Delicious is the yellow cousin of the popular Red Delicious apple? Actually, they are related in name only, but this honey sweet apple is a special treat all on its own.
Mild, sweet flavor
Crisp, light yellow flesh
Best Uses
Excellent for eating, salads, and sauces
Good for pies, baking, and freezing
Special Hint
You can put less sugar in pies and sauces made from Golden Delicious apples, because of the natural sweetness these apples provide.
September through December
Red Delicious
These popular, mildly sweet apples are grown across the country. If you haven’t tried a North Carolina Red Delicious, you haven’t tried what we consider the best Delicious.
From Our Family: This is the choice pie apple of our Great Grandmother Alzie and Grandmommy Wilma.
Crisp, yellow flesh
Not tart in flavor
Best Uses
Excellent for eating and salads
Special Hint
Red Delicious apples look great for a long time, so they are an ideal choice for holiday centerpieces and wreaths.
October through Januaray
Granny Smith
Crisp and juicy. Good balance of tart and sweet. Perfect for baking, sautéing and snacking.
From Our Family: This is Mom’s favorite apple for making her famous apple sauce!
Uncompromising crispness with an enjoyable tart taste.
Best Uses
Great for baking, sautéing, and salads.
Special Hint
Pair with a sweet, red apple like Gala for colorful, flavorful salads.
October through December
Great-looking fried apple slices, sitting next to a pork chop, are probably Romes. These superb apples retain their shape and tart flavor beautifully when cooked. This old-time variety originated in Ohio in 1816 but is widely grown in NC.
Mild in flavor
Firm, greenish white flesh
Best Uses
Excellent for sauces, baking and pies
Good for salads and freezing
Special Hint
Combine Romes with a sweet apple, such as Golden Delicious, for a nicely tart’n’ tasty blended applesauce.
October through January
Sweet, juicy and firm. This is a great apple for snacking and salads. Combining the best features of it parent varieties, Honeycrisp and Fuji.
Sweet, crisp, and firm, similar to Honeycrisp
Best Uses
Perfect treat for a holiday celebration
Excellent for eating and salads
Good for sauces, baking, and pies
Special Hint
These ultra-crisp apples appeal to children and teens. They’re a great way to encourage healthy snacking.
Limited Availability
October through November
Ginger Gold is an accidental seedling found near the Golden Delicious Orchard in Virginia in the 1960s. The color, shape, and unique long stems can all recognize as related to Golden Delicious.
Mild, more intense than Golden Delicious, but still sweet for the early varieties
Best Uses
It keeps well and will last several weeks in the fridge. It is equally good for eating fresh or processing.
Special Hint
It has a slightly tart taste and is very suitable for baking, cooking or as a snack.
August through September
Pink Lady
A medium-sized fruit that is a cross between the Golden Delicious and the Lady Williams apple. Great fresh eating apple.
From Our Family: Add a pinch of salt to your pink lady slice to expand its flavor range.
It is a firm, crisp apple with a white flesh, which has a tart-candy flavor
Best Uses
To maintain the taste of this apple, hold it refrigerated due to the fact that heat decreases texture and taste.
Special Hint
The apple is used for salads and pies.
November through January